The Mission of Painting Seen from theAesthetic Perspective— Reminiscences of Sun Xiuting,My Former Schoolmate in College
Once, Xiuting asked me, “If you had chosen oil painting, ratherthan finely detailed Chinese painting, as your artistic profession, whatwould your style be like?” To this I replied, “I would probablynot dwell upon the fine details as I do now, but strive to master arelatively casual technique and to integrate the ‘Chinese character’by means of the spontaneous expression that characterizes traditionalChinese painting…”
Genre, technique, and style are not ultimately the most importantcomponents of art. Underlying all these various forms is one basicelement, which I call “basic language”. It involves the ultimatejudgment of the art of painting and serves as the foundation of a valuesystem. It is the perception of art, an artist’s disposition and qualities,and his or her cultivated taste—all these are results of an artisticeducation.
I think that, like me, Xiuting has benefited greatly from ourartistic training in college. Our hands and minds were not bound bythose rigid doctrines, nor were we too eager to become artists bypursuing a personal style. In order to lay solid foundations for ourcareers, we searched both Eastern and Western arts for the best meansof artistic expression. As schoolmates, we underwent rigorous sketchtraining using objective things as subjects.
How can we improve or elevate our style? The answer lies inpractice and in elaborate skills.
Before Xiuting was admitted to the Academy of Art, he hadtaught himself for seven years. Every day he had been seen with asketchbook in hand. With a touch of unruliness, his sketches were ofa unique style. Fig. (P122) is a sketch he drew in 10 minutes at theage of 20. Some gifted art students fail to reach their full potential astheir gift is often dulled by insipid assignments. The key is whether astudent can find the balance between the objective and the subjective,between reason and feeling.
Xiuting found his balance by capturing the most unique features ofhis subjects. As time went by, the time he spent analysing the subjectof a painting grew longer and longer. This method which favoursobjectivity over subjectivity not only became evident in his short-termworks, but also solved the problems that he encountered when creatingworks in the long term. A subject’s most distinctive features serveas an axis that connects the objective aspect of the object with thefeelings acquired at first glance.
Xiuting says that the purpose of training in building artistic skills,more often than not, is to develop an intuition, or the ability to attainperfection both in form and in style. It is the mission of every studentto strive to meet higher and harder criteria. Today, when we compareXiuting’s sketch exercises with those composed in the style prevalenttoday, the difference is obvious: the former emphasizes the extractionof distinctive features and the expression of feelings, whereas the latterfocuses on the form of styles, or the similitude to objective things.
It was in his second year of art school that Xiuting beganlearning oil painting. The first teacher who exerted great influenceupon his perspective on art was a noted painter Liu Tiancheng, whowas known as ‘Liu the Colour Master’. Mr. Liu always gavefirst priority to the perception, ingeniousness, and mood of a work,be it a sketch or a coloured painting. He guided basic training withaesthetics and advocated the theory that “giving others fish is not asgood as teaching others how to fish”. Thanks to Mr. Liu’s teachingand guidance, Xiuting soon became proficient at the use of colourswhile preserving his own characteristic power of perception. When heentered Mr. Liu’s studio for the first time, the teacher was working on“Song of the Sea”. The harmony of multiple vivid colours and thefascinating, rare property of the oil painting exerted direct, profoundinfluence on Xiuting’s appreciation of the “beauty of oil painting”.
It can be said that Xiuting took up oil painting with the facultiesof observation needed for sketching. This approach is different in manyaspects from that employed by many artists who have long practiced oilpainting with sketches of plaster models. To be more precise, Xiutinghas inherited the tradition of “giving expression to feelings of colourswith one’s own styles”. This brushwork can be traced back to thefirst and second generations of Chinese painters who learned painting inFrance. A few of them happened to be Mr. Liu’s teachers.
Ci poems in ancient China are of two drastically differentstyles: one graceful and restrained, whereas the other powerful andfree. Likewise, western philosophy falls into two schools: the progeistschool and the pro-logos school. The classical European oilpainting traditions have originated from two sources: the FlorentineSchool, represented by Michelangelo, which attaches great importanceto the actual structure of the human body, and the Venetian School,represented by Titian, which the former alleged to place colour in frontof structure in terms of importance. In France, there are also twotraditions: one represented by Ingres, Dagnan (Xu Beihong’s teacher),Degas, and Vuillard, and the other represented by Delacroix, Watteau,Renoir, and Bonnard. While the former mainly depicted characters basedon their sketches, the latter constructed the layouts of their works withrelatively distinctive brushwork.
Today, these two traditions have basically lost their prevalence.However, they have left an impression on Chinese oil painters. Onlythe two previously opposing schools are now commonly referred toas “classicism”, which embodies itself in oil paintings of Chinese“neo-academicism”.
After absorbing influences from African sculpture, European oilpainting entered the stage of cubism in the hands of Braque andPicasso. What will the hybrid of European oil painting and traditionalChinese painting be like? The tradition of Chinese painting does not liein cubic structures, nor in colours, but in use of the brush and ink.
If some quintessence of the theory on Chinese painting is usedto guide oil painting, masters may be made as a result. Such terseChinese sayings as “learn from nature and listen to your heart”, and“represent the subject with its vivid flavour and use your brush withvigour” have shown to us that Western and Eastern theories on paintingare the same at the core. It is a necessity to comprehend their essentialnon-exclusiveness; or they would be opposite to each other, and moreso when basic skills are cultivated or trained.
I agree that, during the development of art, it is the subject ofaesthetic appreciation and the meanings acquired in the process that playthe dominant role. The mission of art compels us to think: what is theperfect form to express a rich and meaningful content?
In the years following his graduation from college, with hisassiduous work, Xiuting answered the fundamental questions concerning“what and how to paint”. He managed to create a series of worksin which the relative balance between content and form was achieved.Among them are Mother and Son, Breeze, A Mid-Summer’s Dream andso on. As a matter of fact, A Mid-Summer’s Dreamwas among the fifty-six works displayed at the overseas exhibition ofmodern Chinese oil paintings. These painting represent the highest levelof Chinese oil painting. On August 15, 1987, a report covering thisexhibition was printed in Guangming Daily, recording the comments onA Mid-Summer’s Dream by Indian artists and critics:“A Mid-Summer’s Dream by Sun Xiuting…is a masterpiecewhich expresses modern sentiments with ancient Chinese techniques andintegrates creative Eastern spirit and traditional Western art”.
As far as the mission of an excellent artistic work is concerned,it is inevitable to elevate the meaning and the artistic techniques for aparticular concept to the level of a macroscopic culture. I often thinkthat, if Xiuting kept ascending to greater heights with his paintings,his works and the spirits embodied will be sure to start a new eraof styles. If he incorporates personal character into the universality ofculture, the value of nationalization can be magnified in a joint effortwith other painters. I believe, he and I will contribute to the shapingof the future in the fields of Chinese and Western painting.
Xiuting did not learn how his works were revewed by the publicuntil several years later, when he was about to leave for the ArtAcademy of Western Germany and learn the real essence of WesternArt.
From the 1980s to the late 1990s, Xiuting’s works underwentthree significant changes in terms of aesthetic angles and representationtechniques. The first change was brought about by works like A Mid-Summer’s Night and Mother and Son, which embody the artist’sexploration in aestheticism and simple painting elements (such as colourand brushwork).
The second change was represented by The Distant Horizon andDestiny(P59、P57)In these works, the artist began to pay attentionto the meaning of human existence. Techniques became lessercomplementary devices and his use of colours turned “non-descriptive”.He gave up the skills he had developed and used over the precedingyears, devoted himself to some purpose, and attempted to pursue anoriginal form.
The third change took place when he studied abroad and began toexplore abstract painting. Like many other painters who attempted tobreak free of the restrictions imposed by form, he gave first priority tosubject, concept and breakthroughs in non-realistic techniques. Unlikeavant-garde artists obsessed with concepts, he still laid emphasis upon“painting effect”. The ambiguity, abstraction, and mysteriousnessof the pictures, on the on hand, revealed his state of obscurity anduncertainty, and one the other hand demonstrate his perception ofcolour, and more specifically, his perception of the abstract nature ofcolour. This is consistent with his pursuit of the beauty, rarity andharmony of colours. In order to change the approach of consciouscreation, his abstract paintings are created “subconsciously”, whichcomplied with his attempt to seek change in the angle of aestheticappreciation.
Xiuting’s paintings have never transcended the category of easelpaintings. His rich experience in art has enabled him to see thatpainting is not “infinitely evolutionary”. He has shifted his focusfrom the essence of painting art to the convergence of inspirations. Ourperceptions of art are also converging. I hope that the advent of thenew century may see a new restoration of his paintings in both contentand form. In my letter sent to him in March, 1999, I write,
“…the loss of criteria and difficulty is certain to result in chaos.This disorderly state will be seen in the next century (whether it willbe resolved remains unknown). It will be easier for painting to finda way to survive in China, which is destined by Chinese philosophy.Twenty years’ reform and opening up have introduced to China manyartistic schools. However, in retrospect, Chinese artists seem to havereaped nothing in this process. This may be attributed to the lack ofindividuality…One should achieve success in developing a personal style,in reflecting a specific ethnic style, and in producing world-class art.In other words, he should start a new school which cannot be emulatedor surpassed. All this should be based on his unique perception ofthings, which is built on the culture he is steeped in and the naturalperception with which he is born. The role of geniuses should berecognized…”
The oil paintings created by Xiuting in the new century show hisin-depth exploration and assimilation of traditional European paintingtechniques. In museums in Europe and America, he imitated manyoriginal works by impressionist masters like Degas 、Renoir and createdpaintings with a similar style. Through portraits and indoor scenes,he digested the techniques of the masters while striving to preservethe flavour of European classical paintings. His representative workscreated in this period include Memory behind the Glass Window, In theMuseum, Green House and so on .
While mastering the impressionist techniques, he began to createoil paintings characterised by freehand brushwork typical of Chinesepainting. This marked the advent of his personal style. In the spring of2005, Xiuting’s oil painting, Antique Charm, appeared at an exhibitionof works by the Salon Independent in Paris .
If you compare Antique Charm with A Middle Summer’s Dreamcreated a dozen years ago, you may find something in common: freehandbrushwork. Xiuting speaks his language with brushwork. Brushwork is notthe purpose itself but rather part of the process of creation. He has graduallyintroduced to the European audience a different perspective from a Chineseartist. It had a specific significance for the Antique Charm to be exhibitedin the Salon of Independent Artists established by the post-impressionistartists Seurat and Signac.
When Xiuting’s painting, Chui Wan, a Chinese Folk Sport, wasdisplayed at the 2008 Beijing International Art Biennale , the styleof his paintings characterized by the freehand brushwork that is typical ofChinese classical painting, came to take shape. It reflect the present timesthrough the incorporation of some surreal images. During this period, Xiutingcreated many paintings, including Untainted Beauty, Night Banquet, Riverand Mountains, Chui Wan, A Chinese Folk Sport, Against the Wind andso forth. Here, I would like to give a special interpretation of Xiao Hong IsHumming While I Am Playing the Qin .
The subject is borrowed from Ren Bonian’s work of the sametitle. The painting exhibits the seemingly causal brush strokes that arecharacteristic of Xiuting’s abstract paintings. This technique is not unlikethat employed by Chinese painters to create water and ink landscapepaintings. All the strokes are made out of the artist’s memory ofhis observation of nature. The two human images are the result ofimprovisation amongst the flourishing colours. The whole compositionof this painting cannot be accomplished by means of sketching. Similarbrushwork can be found in Night Banquet, which is characterized byrandomized colours. This is an impromptu painting technique. Thanks toits spontaneity, it can record the most fleeting feelings. Like the signsof ink left on Chinese calligraphic works, the brushwork is the artist’ssubconscious expression of years of experience.
Here, brushwork, form and colours integrate to convey the beautyof form, which is part of content, just like Chinese brush and ink hasits own effect. In order to achieve this effect, an artist needs to adoptthe approach of “painting without observing and observing withoutpainting”. In this approach lies a balance: the balance between human’sinner self and Nature.
When I speak of “oil paintings characterised by freehand brushworktypical of Chinese classical painting”, the word “classical” refersto the subject and the effect while the word “freehand” means thetechnique of colours and brushstrokes. In Chinese culture, contentalways blends with form. In terms of the compatibility of content andform, painting is just like poetry.
It delights me to see that Xiuting has not neglected the source ofthe vitality of art—sketches of Nature. In this collection of his works,we can see his recent sketches. The most significant of these are pastelpaintings like Rehearsal, Spring Festival show The Fifth Exhibition Hallof Beijing International Art Biennale, Painting Studio of Beijing NormalUniversity and so forth.
Nature, tradition, and the artist’s temperament collaborate tomaintain a kind of serenity typical of Chinese tradition.
At the end of 2008, I left a line in the guestbook before leavingthe exhibition of Xiuting’s works. This is a title of one of my essaysand is also our constant pursuit:
“Balancing and integrating Chinese and Western art”.This is a topic on which discussion can never end. Here I writeit down at the end of this essay, because it not only serves as ourcommon mission, but also testifies the camaraderie between Xiuting andme.
He Jiaying
March 1, 2009 Beijing
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